The Marsfield Common proposal was first submitted to Council on 18 May 2022, addressing all the matters raised by Council officers in pre-lodgement discussions and was supported and praised by Ryde Council officers in the original planning stages. While Council officers worked to meet the timeframes set out in the relevant legislation, Ryde Council did not meet the statutory deadlines it was required to meet to consider the planning proposal. The proposal was subsequently submitted to the NSW Government via the Department of Planning and Environment for consideration by the relevant Sydney District Planning Panel in December 2022. The Panel refused the application on the basis of advice from Council that the site was likely to be acquired for public open space purposes in the near future.
In October 2022, NRRSL also took the preliminary steps to prepare a State Significant Development Application for the redevelopment of the TG Millner site for seniors housing. As part of this process, the Department of Planning and Environment has issued Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs). This process provides for the seniors housing application to be assessed by the Department with a subsequent decision to be made by the Independent Planning Commission and/or the Land & Environment Court.
On 21 November 2022, Ryde Council initiated a non-exclusive negotiation process to purchase the TG Millner site from the North Ryde RSL. Both North Ryde RSL and Eastwood Rugby Club are open to Ryde Council acquiring the site for the community at fair market value. If, however, no agreement for Council to purchase the TG Millner site before 22 May 2023, Council may proceed with the compulsory acquisition process. The compulsory negotiation period has since ended without any agreement being reached. In May 2023, Ryde Council wrote to the Minister for Local Government seeking permission to issue a PAN (Property Acquisition Notice) and compulsorily acquire the site.
On 12 April 2024, the NSW Government refused Ryde Council’s request to seek to compulsorily acquire TG Millner Field. The NSW Government’s decision was made because Ryde Council, despite being provided with every opportunity to do so, could not provide any strategic justification for the proposed acquisition of the site, nor does it have the monies required to acquire and regenerate TG Millner Field. In this regard, the Minister for Local Government noted that Council’s flagship Ryde Central project has stalled and is a hole in the ground, while Council officers identified a $224M shortfall in Council’s capital budget in November 2023.
The TG Millner site cannot stay as it is. The decision to relodge Marsfield Common will provide some certainty to the future of both the North Ryde RSL and Eastwood Rugby. This proposal is identical to the proposal NRRSL and Eastwood Rugby submitted to Ryde Council in May 2022. We truly believe that this is the best plan to regenerate TG Millner Fields for the community.
A successful outcome will provide funding to allow Eastwood Rugby to build its state-of-the-art rugby facility, and will allow NRRSL to continue to provide financial support to numerous sporting and charitable bodies within the Ryde LGA, as well as their 27,000 members.