
We want to hear from the community.

We aim to be open and inclusive in our engagement and ensure that all Marsfield Common news is accessible, relevant, timely and meaningful for the community. We place a priority on encouraging genuine participation and putting the people of North Ryde at the centre of our planning for the TG Millner site.

How you can get involved:

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at


As the proponents of this proposal, North Ryde RSL and Eastwood Rugby Club would like to thank everyone in the community for their continued support of Marsfield Common through this process, including the hundreds of people that signed our petition.

Working with local stakeholders, Marsfield Common wants to deliver community outcomes that are better than other development options, such as aged care, high-rise development by a third party or doing nothing and watching the site further decline. The proposal was specifically designed with the community in mind, so that North Ryde RSL and Eastwood Rugby could assist in transitioning TG Millner field into something that better benefits the community that now surrounds it.


We intend to consult with the broader Ryde community and other relevant stakeholders on the Marsfield Common project and gain community input into the final design of the future public space. Our guiding principles are:

  • Ensuring that the former TG Millner site is revitalised to achieve its potential and the needs of the local community.
  • Reconnect today’s community to Marsfield Common through new neighbours, new local access, new usages, new opportunities, and new ideas.
  • Deliver new site-appropriate housing, specifically designed open and recreational spaces for the local community, increased tree canopy on a significant scale, vegetation and landscaping, and digital innovation across the precinct at a state-of-the-art level.
  • Secure material public benefits for the community through the provision of key-worker housing and the dedication of publicly accessible and relevant open space.